Hindu Deities Gallery
fortune cat
corrin male
brooke winters
Veeram (Hero) shrine, Tamil Nadu
Deity of Tara (Kali) rescued by police after being stolen from her temple in Guwahati, Assam
Priest (pujari) with deities of Krishna, Rukmini (red sari) and SatYabhama (blue sari).
Shiva Nataraja holy bath (abhisekham)
Thirumogur Sri Chakrathalwar.
Bhudanikantha Narayana, Nepal
Bajrabarahi temple and deity, Nepal, photos by Rajunepal
Nagesh (Shiva) temple and deity, Goa, photos by Rajan P. Parrikar
Gramadevata (village deity)
Durga at Kamaladi Ganesh temple, Nepal, photo by Rajunepal
Durga and Bhairava, Nepal
Household shrine today,
Shiva Nataraja procession by Lotus photograaphy
Narasimha deity
Deity of Harihareshvar temple, Karnataka
Lakshmi Narasimha and Salagramas
Lalita Tripurasundari
Krishna with Rukmini and Satyabhama at Thiruchanur theppotsavam, Tamil Nadu
Lakshmi Devi, Melkote, Karnataka
Chaturmukhalingam from Panchadeval Temple Complex, Pasupati, Nepal
Shaiva shrine and lingam at Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, photos by Kevin Standage, more at https://kev