History Nebraska Gallery
hwang dongjun
Plattsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal, Nebraska, August 13, 1923
The Norfolk News, Nebraska, February 9, 1906
thirtymilesout:Dusk Maker 1898PoncaOmaha, Nebraska by: Frank Albert Rinehart
Goldie Williams’ MugshotGoldie Williams: Arrested on January 29, 1898, in Nebraska, USA, the p
Miss Nebraska Stockgrower, 1969
Omaha, Nebraska Trans-Mississipi Expo 1898
Devils TowerSacred to native-American tribes, this stunning feature in Wyoming has a rich history in
June 5, 1968 - Robert F. Kennedy shot“At 12:50 a.m. PDT, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, a pres
Previously unseen images of Harold Lloyd, age 12 in Omaha Nebraska, 1905. Discovered by Marc Wanamak
Jubilee Singers at the Lexington Business College, Lexington, Nebraska. 1909.
Victorian woman dressed as a witch or a high priestess, taken at Emil H. Klemke’s Photogra
Victorian woman dressed as a witch or a high priestess, taken at Emil H. Klemke’s Photogra
June 5, 1968 - Robert F. Kennedy shot“At 12:50 a.m. PDT, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, a pres