Homebrew Monster Gallery
sibte hassan
sakura oogami
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Me again, with more monsters from On the tip of the tongue. You may recognize Wexkae the Arborscythe
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn / Emrakul, the Promised EndIf you’d like to support what I do, find free pdf
Stoneshock GiantIf you’d like to support what I do, find free pdf’s for my content, get insight into
So I know this one is pretty similar to Nightwalkers, but hear me out here. One of the things that i
Stormbreath DragonIf you’d like to support what I do, find free pdf’s for my content, get insight in
Copperhopper – Small construct, unalignedEach series of protobots was developed with a specific inte
Ember Rat – Tiny elemental, unaligned“Some people have a great love for their pets. Checkers was ver
Glimmerling – Tiny dragon, chaotic neutralI wish you a happy new year with tiny dragon fireworks!Thi
Fungoid Spear Sprinter – Tiny humanoid, unalignedAlthough the spear sprinter is the fungoid’s most f
Today I’ve got an enemy to share, one of multiples I’m working on for the conclusion of the campaign
Icyclops – Small giant, chaotic evil“WATCH ME!” – Adventures hearing this battle cry in a high-pitch
Bristling – Tiny plant, unalignedAlready possessing the strong urge to bite anything stepping in ran
Fungoid Mace Mosher – Tiny humanoid, unalignedBesides its already remarkable ability to utilize stra
Iciclet – Tiny elemental, unalignedJust as for its blazing cousin, the pebblet, the origin and actua
Undersnout Trooper – Tiny humanoid, lawful neutralGnawing and digging through the earth’s fathomless
Figment of Ruin – Tiny celestial, any alignmentThe manifested shape of a figment is said to be large
Woodpertinger – Small fey, chaotic goodThe “Good Spirit of the Groves” is a legend
Tundra Toddler – Small giant, chaotic neutralThis small-sized giant is in fact the offspring o
the-fluffy-folio: Band of Gloomcloaks – Tiny swarm of Tiny humanoids, neutralWhat looks like a
Thumbstall Outrider – Tiny humanoid, lawful goodI have the great pleasure to present you an al