Hominids Gallery
malwina garstka
art mentorship
Extended Family IAndorHomo neanderthalensisAt the ripe old age of 28, Andor is a brave hunter - but
Extended Family IVHigaHomo erectusHiga is an experienced crafter and toolmaker. She enjoys learning
I always loved picturing the saiyan as a prehistoric, enslaved race of powerful hominids.
Extended Family IIPuspaHomo floresiensisPuspa is a sweet girl to whom smiling comes easy, despite th
Homo heidelbergensis was a very interesting species of archaic human. It sits roughly between Homo e
One of the many things that distinguish us from other primates, and all animals for that matter, is
There’s laughter in the woods tonight.Homo neanderthalensis vs Crocuta spelaeaHappy Halloween!
One of the many things that distinguish us from other primates, and all animals for that matter, is