Hq Kuroyaku Gallery
japanese bitches here
just thought you
kuroyaku & mikadai antics [2: double dates]
Kuroyaku nation what’s up!!!! This is part of my school/shameless au where I decided to make t
Christmas gift for a friend on twitter
priintaniere: ⚗️ my very chemical kuroyaku piece i did for @haikyuusymbols, a zine about the
stiirped:MATHS ARE MATHScollege au for kryk week day 1
the ol knight & satyr/faun kuro & yaku
// 黒夜久 | さんど@ついった [pixiv] www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=
pk-draw: my nyas are so in luv
DONATE TO KO-FI | ONLINE STORE i was trying to tag yaku on my ygal submission. and his tag. the DIS
stirped:when u realize ur in love w ur captain at a team pool party :-)
Christmas gift for a friend on twitter
rookvie:me being delusional again but how much you wanna bet yaku could lift kuroo’s skinny as
Kuroyaku nation what’s up!!!! This is part of my school/shameless au where I decided to make t