Icelandic Women Gallery
hung dude caught wanking in pu
heavily tattooed woman
feet tattoos
Icelandic traditional fashions1. Faldbúningur2. Kiska boiled wool jacket, embroidered, for women
“On Oct. 24, 1975, 90% of Icelandic women went on strike, refusing to do any work at their homes or
The Juniper Tree (Nietzchka Keene | 1990)
The Juniper Tree (Nietzchka Keene | 1990)
The Juniper Tree (Nietzchka Keene | 1990)
Where drowned women roar. Where drowned women soar. Where drowned women float down to the sea floor.
Amongst drowned women’s roars..© Ásta Harbo / Instagram / Tumblr / Facebook
KyrtillThe Kyrtill is a costume for women, designed by the artist Sigurður Guðmundsson in th
Peysuföt 19th CenturyThe Peysuföt are black woollen clothes commonly worn by women in the
The Faldbúningur The Faldbúningur is an older type of costume worn by women since at l