Illumination Stars Gallery
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Stay true to yourself
astronomersBartholomeus Anglicus, ‘Livre des propriétés des choses’ (‘De proprietatibus rerum’, Fren
Constellation of Aquila (The Eagle)Miniature on vellum by Giovanni VendraminPadua, 1475–80The New Yo
Constellation of Equuleus (Little Horse)Miniature on vellum by Giovanni VendraminPadua, 1475–80The N
Constellation of Cygnus (The Swan)Miniature on vellum by Giovanni VendraminPadua, 1475–80The New Yor
Constellation of ArctophylaxMiniature on vellum by Giovanni VendraminPadua, 1475–80The New York Publ
thought i’d post since it is very truthful!
Energy is the creation to all things
Stay true to yourself
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