Inkstay Gallery
There are heartsFit to be called dried leaves:No matter the times you water themthey’ll never live f
In this thunderstorm, don’t get any closerYou’re a thunder without the lightningand you’ve acquainte
You’re the smiles in the good timesthe laughter in the long nightsa pocket of sunshine on a rainy da
The Bluegrass Fair - Bruce Adler
Let me press my sighs into your flesh;raw, tender - need burning holy,& dripping with love.– m.d
@nosebleedclub ‘s september prompts: #2 english departmentID text below[black text on whi
ivyburied:self-portrait with illness [ journal // march 24, 2020 ]
We used to live in a house with a porch surrounded by jasmine vines;crawling around the porch and up
Past midnight and there are still no stars. There is only a bleakness that invades my soul from the
Let me press my sighs into your flesh;raw, tender - need burning holy,& dripping with love.&
-my fingers remember | Rishika Aggarwal © 2017 | (check out my poetry chapbooks!)
empyrreal:── wordless definition | fio huang @inkstay may prompt #18