Innocentworld Gallery
milena gasparotto
giant insect
Déjeuné sur l'herbe… Sans déjeuné #lolitafashion #angelicpretty #jfashion #japanesefashion #s
Petit retour en arrière ⏪Je donnerais n'importe quoi pour retourner quelques mois en arrière à @king
Finally got around to editing my coord photo from the Spring meet. Thanks @missmaiko for being the e
Me at Gothic&Lolita festival 2014 in Moscow
Me at Gothic&Lolita festival 2014 in Moscow Photo by Пихота
It’s that time of year where I can finally wear this JSK. #babythestarsshinebright #lolitafash
It’s been a while since I have posted on my Tumblr since I am more active on my Instagram these days
Transformation en Sailor Magical Girl activée Mini meeting improvisé en bord de Meuse pour profiter
Thank you @timcopseyphotography for this great portrait of me at Regalia last weekend #sugarnoor #o
I wanted to try this jacket with lolita ^_^My face is puffy since I’m coming down with a cold yet ag
mofubox: #lollitafashion #lolita #innocentworld
Ta-daaa~ Another summer outfit~ #egl #classiclolita #innocentworld #ap #lolita_fashion #lolitafashio
My outfit for university kekeke ~ #egl #lolitafashion #classiclolita #innocentworld #brown #lolita_f
It’s such a lazy day >.> #egl #eglcommunity #classiclolita #instafashion #innocentworld
Too hot to care anymore. #heatwave #summerinthecity #ootd #usamimi #innocentworld
Stars at midnight. Sporting a new headband from @annasuiboutique. #annasui #innocentworld #eglcommun
50s Housewife for my sister’s Hens #vintage #50shousewife #innocentworld #putonyourpearls
Trying to sort out my wardrobe and I keep getting distracted by pretty details.
March 2018Casual
January 2018Winter fashion!
October 2016Catching the last of
Thank you @timcopseyphotography for this great portrait of me at Regalia last weekend #sugarnoor #oo