Irl Ppl Gallery
dave townsend
stimtoy: || sugar_boogerz DNI transcript under the cut! Weiterlesen
stimtoy: || bonbon.ribbon DNI transcript under the cut! Weiterlesen
catsquishy:Pink Tech Stimboard! | | | | | |
squiptimization:Pokémon Café & Center Mixed Experience - X XPlease credit if used. Thank you !
stimtoy: || stimmygirl DNI transcript under the cut! Keep reading
sensry:Bloody Lollipop Painting | andrewcadima on Instagram
kanostims: Rainbow Bingsu
scribblesstimz:Lovequeer Stimboard with no Trypo for @andromedako!✨||✨||✨||✨ns-f-w/18+ blogs do Not
kanostims: Pride Marshmallows
nat-stimmy:Clown paws!! (SOURCE)
squiptimization:violin playing up close - xPlease credit if used ! Thank you !
squiptimization: How Books Are Handmade - x Please credit if used. Thank you !
scribblesstimz:Pls giv credit if u use my gifs!Dnt delete my caption pls! ns-f-w/18+ blogs do Not Rb
aibostims:⚪ • technology
helium-stims:Fossil Stimboardx l x l xx l x l xx l x l x
stimtoy:Mspec Lesbian/Non-Traumagenic System stimboard! / /
wakustim-loop:// Figures I Own: Mafumafu Nendoroid // (inspired by @dollgacha!)x/x/x x/x x/x/x[ imag
anemics and sleep-deprived ppl: