Japanesetea Gallery
mistress with sissy
transforming sissy
Blood Type in Japanese is 血液型(ketsuekigata)⚕️あなたの血液型は何ですか?What’s your blood type?What Does You
Graduation ceremony in Japanese is 卒業式(sotsugyoushiki)Entrance ceremony in Japanese is 入学式Learn
How to say “Strong” and “Weak” in Japanese? ♂️♀️Strong in Japanese is 強い
Who is she!? Search PuniPuniJapan channel on YouTube and find out! Japanese Hinamatsuri!Girl’s day
How to say “Near” and “Far” in Japanese? Near in Japanese is 近い(chikai).F
Do you know ひなあられ (hina arare)? ひなあられ is sugar-coated popped rice★☆We eat them duringひな祭りLearn m
Do you know how to say “Cute”, ”Beautiful” and “Cool ” in Japanese?かわいい kawaiiかっこいい⚖️ kakkoii
Learn Japanese Love Vocabulary❤️Do you know what is 初恋?(hatsukoi)片想い(kataomoi) and 両想い(ryouomoi)?
★ Today’s mimetic word is どきどき (dokidoki). It is also often written using katakana: ドキドキ★ ドキドキ (do
★ Body in Japanese is 体 (からだ – karada).★ The Japanese word for head is 頭 (あたま – atama)
“When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden.” – Minnie Aumonier
“When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden.” &ndas
Loving the #bayarea weather. #noicrew #nekonoi #bamboo #travel #japaneseteagarden #sf #sanfrancisco
KATSURA IMPERIAL VILLA (17TH CENTURY), Kyoto, Japan - The apex of traditional Japanese design. Hugel
KATSURA IMPERIAL VILLA (17TH CENTURY), Kyoto, Japan - The apex of traditional Japanese design. Hugel