Jesus Quote Gallery
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“Jesus may hide himself, but we know He is there.”– Saint Thérèse of LisieuxSaint Thérèse of Lisieux
It is not for his giftsthat I continue in my prayers,but because he is true Life.It is not so much b
Happy Pentecost and One Year Blogiversary!
Happy 100 year anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima! Join us on Twitter for a twitter
Wednesday Quotes: Dealing With Pain
Happy International Day of Peace!
Mount Calvary is the academy of love. - St. Francis de Sales
The lion shall lie down with the lamb…..and a Little Child shall lead them. -Isaiah 11:6 An A
“Every Saint belongs to the court of the Queen of All Saints.”-St. John Eudes
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” -Psalm 51:10
Live every hour in your day to the fullest!Don’t be afraid to strive for better!
An Advent of Inspiration: Day 11!
An Advent of Inspiration: Day 12!
“Moses of old prefigured thee, O precious Cross, when he lifted up his arms upon the mountain and pu
Wednesday’s quotes: Hope:…/wednesdays-quotes-hope.h…“A
My daily motivation ❤️
Lenten Reflections: The Fifth Day of Lent!
Happy Easter Prayer!
Lenten Reflections
Lenten Reflections: The Eighth Day of Lent!
Lenten Reflections: The Nineteenth Day of Lent!
Lenten Reflections: The Fifteenth Day of Lent!
Lenten Reflections: The Sixteenth Day of Lent!
Lenten Reflections: The Eighteenth Day of Lent!