Johnjamesaudubon Gallery
Purple Grackle, John James Audubon, n.d., Smithsonian: American Art MuseumSize: sheet and image: 19
Towhee Bunting, John James Audubon, 1812, Smithsonian: American Art MuseumSize: sheet: 9 3/8 x 11 1/
Plate 3. Prothonotary Warbler, John James Audubon
Plate 40. American Redstart, John James Audubon
Towhee Bunting, John James Audubon, 1812, Smithsonian: American Art MuseumSize: sheet: 9 3/8 x 11 1/
Plate 75 Le Petit Caporal, John James Audubon
Plate 157 Rusty Grakle, John James Audubon
Plate 18. Bewick’s Wren, John James Audubon
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, 1830, John James AudubonMedium: oil,canvas
Plate 145 Yellow Red-poll Warbler, John James Audubon
Plate 131 American Robin, John James Audubon
Plate 119 Yellow-throated Vireo, John James Audubon
Plate 110 Hooded Warbler, John James Audubon
Plate 157 Rusty Grakle, John James Audubon
Plate 11. Bird of Washington, John James Audubon
American Flamingo, 1864, John James Audubon
Plate 124 Green Black-capt Flycatcher, John James Audubon
Plate 76 Virginian Partridge, John James Audubon
Plate 142 American Sparrow Hawk, John James Audubon
Plate 112 Downy Woodpecker, John James Audubon
Plate 24. Roscoe’s Yellow-throat, John James Audubon
Plate 159 Cardinal Grosbeak, John James Audubon
Plate 125 Brown-headed Nuthatch, John James Audubon
Plate 77 Belted Kingfisher, John James Audubon