Joylessbutcher Gallery
char derekhale
rob madison
DOODLE BIRTH..a postcard doodle i made today. . Mail Art is fun
LEGO ABYSS CLAIMS ANOTHER PLASTIC SOUL… photo fun in a second hand video game store. .
Paintings in progress.. while teaching today
ALL OF THEM ARE WITCHES. .. today’s birthday self portrait. . I was accused of teaching child
The Teaches of Peaches. . Setting sunlight is fun to shoot in
PHRENIC SAG. .(wip) A paint sharpie doodle mural on plastic about saggy bodies and the comfort they
Postal Sticker Paintings.. Enjoy. . They stare for your enjoyment
HPV LOVECRAFT PT 1.. A sharpie paint doodle on a roll of plastic. . Sharpies are my weapons of choic
FANTASTIC PLASTIC PEOPLE. . Photo fun with plastic. . what an amazing father’s day gift.. FI
HPV LOVECRAFT PT 2 .. Inspired by Botan rice candy sticker designs. . Jack Kirby and general oddnes
SHARP TENACLE PORN SUNSET.. cactus vs sunlight becomes tricky business fun nonetheless
Pomegranate Galaxy Sunlit. .. photo fun with fruit
The Invisible welcome the hollow Moon .. what i saw as the sun set in Phoenix
joylessbutcher: Odd Dragonball Z bootleg .. I found at a toy store today…
MANIC STACCATO. . A LINE SYMPHONY OF JILL. . doodling is so comforting. .