Kanji Practice Gallery
It’s all very well and good to reblog kanji sheets and vocab lists - but it’s useless without applic
So how’d you get on? Highlight any mistakes and write the corrections next to it. If you haven’t com
Reading practice.Don’t worry I can’t read the kanji either. Don’t worr
Kanji practice! It’s so easy for me to read kanji but once it comes to pulling it out of my he
I made this worksheet for myself to practice writing kanji given the reading, and I thought I would
Practice writing my next set of kanji on WaniKani! Writing kanji is really relaxing, though my hand
Kanji practice! It’s so easy for me to read kanji but once it comes to pulling it out of my he
I made this worksheet for myself to practice writing kanji given the reading, and I thought I would
Practice writing my next set of kanji on WaniKani! Writing kanji is really relaxing, though my hand