Kazutora Gallery
public pickups 234
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dailytokrev: Kazutora’s Roomillustration by ken wakui
ataegrr: Kazutora shaping his mole like a heart
another tr commission ♡ thank you!- strictly prohibited to use / repost / print / edit unless you&rs
ashwwa:[Zaozzaa&Ashwwa]Kazutora Hanemiya Cooperation [ @zaozzaa hair part here ] terms
Kazutora shaping his mole like a heart
that was a very emotional episode ;_;
princessoftherose: happy birthday to you (in a happier timeline)twitter | instagram
another tr commission ♡ thank you!- strictly prohibited to use / repost / print / edit unless you&rs
I read toraist fic today and my brain is absolutely friedI love these two so much…..
Tokyo Rev doodles uwu <3
Hanma meets kazutora again woohooooIDK HOW TO DRAW HANMA OR PHONES DON’T TALK TO ME
The pairs were determined by a randomizer!сome up with a name for the pairing with sanzu I like that
Happy Birthday Kazutora!! (9/16)
I’m up to date with the TokyoRev manga and I’m super sad with the story BUT I love the c
help him he can’t see straight he he fuckin cant he ca
baby tiger
There will probably be mistakes, because the translation was done with the help of my beloved Google