Kidibai Gallery
michael clark
hussie butthurt
this one goes out to all the singles today, feast your eyes
Love Is In The Air and these zandalari of me and @dravatti ooze it
“You know, i used to be. Normal. Ah but that was ages ago my dearest…"
*shakes milkers at you*
can never get enough of this dude’s face!
sad4ppleart: if Kidibai and Zazi ever get to go on a date to the aquarium Zaz is gonna look at ALL t
Love Is In The Air and these zandalari of me and @dravatti ooze it
sad4ppleart: pov: you’re Kidibai’s boyfriend and you step out the house
Oh to have a giant Zandalari boy on your lap
sad4ppleart:another one!
sad4ppleart:i had rewatched Atlantis together with @dravatti and i NEEDED to redraw some screens wit
Big idiots doing a dancy
sad4ppleart:sad4ppleart:some good-ol kidi content the blacklight test added
sad4ppleart:Kidi and his man Zazi stole a saurid out of nazmir. she’s mean and they named her