Kotaro Katsura Gallery
Pher By
Curry Ninjas from Gintama (2010)
no author
One of the best Gintama arcs. It gave me chills (Gintama Episode 61)
gaywizardzone: forgot this account existed again. have a ginzura
Gintama x Persona
Artwork I did for Katsura Kotaro’s birthday in 2019.
akg0z0: 日陰
ponchizs:Katsura Kotarou Zura requested by @ieyasus
thesnakeawakens: 30 Day Anime Challenge: Day 2 - Character that surprised you - Katsura Kotaro
NEW! gintoki bolas weapon
“I forget to show you this picture” - part 1.meme wich cat
making friends like:
Zura janai, Katsura da.
Painting this guy named zura, right now atsketch.pixiv.net/@zer0cchi/lives/98354277105592081
Source: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54682493
8/10Happy Birthday Takasugi Shinsuke
Seriously,what have these guys been doing this whole time.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZURAAAA~~~ Source: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_
Source: twitter.com/0arume_ria0/status/678229895688806400
gintamayorozuya: GINTAMA X KIMETSU NO YAIBAIf you use/like these,please reblog it.plєαsє d&sig
08.10.2018 happy birthday to one of the best gintama’s characters, the leader of the Kihei
- 14歳 -Fourteen and still a chibi.