L-otr Gallery
hannah v
marisa rungroj
hana misaki
sesostris iii
l-otr:Gandalf by Jerry Vanderstelt
l-otr:Somewhere in the Shire by Nicola Bernardelli
l-otr: These are beautiful illustrations of three most important female characters in Lord of the Ri
l-otr:Sauron by insantSauron was originally a Maia of Aulë the Smith; his name then was Mairon, mean
l-otr: Far off yet is his doom, and not by the hand of man shall he fall.
l-otr: Sauron by insant Sauron was originally a Maia of Aulë the Smith; his name the
l-otr: Far off yet is his doom, and not by the hand of man shall he fall.
l-otr:Somewhere in the Shire by Nicola Bernardelli
l-otr: Gandalf by Jerry Vanderstelt