Learning Vocabulary Gallery
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Despite what many people think or claim, “myriad” can be either a NOUN or an ADJECTIVE. This has alw
快適 (kaiteki) – comfortable, pleasant**This is a “na” adjective**女の人は快適なベッドで寝ています。(onna no hito
눈 | (noon) | snow
13/03/17かしこまりました : CertainlyI remember I learned this from one of my vocabulary books and now I see
Words with the kanji 犬愛犬(あいけん):pet dog/ beloved dog番犬(ばんけん):watch dog野犬(やけん):stray dog老犬(ろうけん):old d
21.- KOREAN TYPES OF TEAMy favourite is Barley Tea but I love them all. Which one do you like the mo
Character Story:火fire and 火fire makes heat, leading to an inflammation. Study vocab here!Vocabulary
languagessi:Learning a language is not just memorizing vocabulary and grammar structures, but it is
35/100 Kanji Challenge!Vocabulary:January 一月 (いち・がつ) February 二月 (に・がつ) March 三月 (さん・がつ) April 四月
Character Story:In the 水 수 water, one 丶chunk has become frozen and floats away.Study vocab here!Voc
22.- EXPRESS FEELINGSNote> Please remember that 나 is for informal speach, for formal spech you sh
Law and Order Vocab in ItalianVerbs:to arrest- arrestare, fermareto ban- proibire, vietareto break i
ITALIAN FINE ART VOCABULARYIf you’re interested, check out my similar post on French vocabulary here
Medical Terminology! YAY! ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺Just more fun words to know. :)◎━━━━━━━━━━━◎Acne にきび : 面皰All
Learn Japanese vocabulary! How to say King, Queen, Prince & Princess etc.. in Japanese? King i
Learn Japanese vocabulary! How to say Space, Earth, Mars, Aliens etc… in JapaneseEarth in J