Lens Space Gallery
muse macaria
jewish feels
Sometime after dark.
Week 34: Bing Bong ( ellementofsurprise )Taken 8/14/15
Seatte, WA
Seattle, Washington sunset from two years agoInstagram | Shop | YouTube | Blog Website | Twitter | P
Gone walkabouts. www.jonnyhayes.co
Sometime after dark.
In Yeoljeongdo, Yongsan.I really like Roji Coffee, by the way. Really comfy space.
mars rover. snapped by J©
Space Shift (2018-07-09)
Just feelin out the space.smugmuginstagram
Space Shift (2018-07-09)
lensblr-network:Lighting in Seattle(And yes the Space Needle is really orange tonight, for some reas
Walking around Toronto
faithhealthlife:whoever makes contact lenses like this will become a millionaire
just–space:Hubble Peers into the Vast Distance : This picture showcases a gravitational lensin
In the centre of this image, taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the galaxy cluster S
In the centre of this image, taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the galaxy cluster S
spaceexp: An “Einstein Ring”or gravitational lensing at work: the blue galaxy is behind
The galaxy cluster MACS J2135-010217 lensing SMM J2135-0102 [3865 x 4024]
Lensman · A Japanese productionReleased in 1984 · Based on the classic scien
Lensman · A Japanese feature-length animated filmReleased in 1984Running Time: 107 Minutes &m
Lensman / SF Shinseiki · A Japanese productionJapan Release Year: 1984U.S. Rel