Libertarian Communism Gallery
brunette flashing
Some of the many anarchist posters seen around Sydney
Anarchist posters seen around Sydney.
Anarchy is Liberty!
“Those who do not move do not notice their chains" Rosa Luxemburg 100 years ago, follow
‘All 4 All!’Demand Nothing, Take Everything!’
“Rob the Rich” Seen in Sydney
‘Fight capital!’Berlin, 2017
‘Anarchy is freedom’Carmel, Barcelona, August 2017
‘No Homes Without PeopleNo People Without Homes’Sydney
Anarcho-Communist flag graffiti in Osaka, Japan
‘Smash the State’
Merci beaucoup à ma sœur @nicisnitrans pour tout. Voir sa compte pour l’original et autre publicatio
kropotkindersurprise:Libertarian communism in practice during the 1936 anarchist revolution in Spain
Homophobic Stalinist graffiti corrected in Valencia, Spain.Original says: “Homosexuals to the Gulag”
‘The Rich Feed on the Poor’
‘Everything 4 Everyone’ in Elm City, Connecticut
“We are not asking for a free university. We are asking for a free society.Because a free univ
Workers of the world rise up! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
Workers of the world rise up! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
#truth #quote #aynrand #libertarian #liberty #freedom #free #work #money #peace #love #noninterventi