Lushie Gallery
zelda au
When you have friends like @ammy.c who bring you Lush Spa exclusives. You can’t let them go. E
Pottermon: Dudley DursleySurprise, muggles can have Pokemon too!He has:Machamp for his interest in f
Late night bath time journaling. Ft Lush Limited editions. #lush #lushcosmetics #journalling #jesust
Brrr!Here’s some ice type Pokemon!
Pottermon: Luna Lovegood
I was also lucky enough to buy this So White shower gel from someone for a bargain!! It’s
Tuesday night’s bath and bedtime routine was lovely! Magic bath bomb Ladybug bubble bar Tw
Big Bang is my absolute favourite bubble bar!
Second Lush Kitchen order part 2 Antiphilitron Shampoo Ghost Shower gel Mask of Magnaminty (non-kitc
My first Lush Kitchen order arrived yesterday :)
My last day to have this lovely product in my possession - tomorrow it will be mailed off to a lovel
Tonight’s shower/bed time routine + Antiphilitron which I decided to use at last minute.
yuhhhhhhtha’s hot
Pottermon: Severus Snape
2 granny’s sparkling dip. #lush #lushlife #bathart #bathcocktail #grannytakesadip #sparkle
Pottermon: Sirius BlackHe’s got:Mightyena as his animagus form. It was a toss up between t
Getting through my Christmas supply is slow work in Summer
My little Lush USA order came in yesterday Normally I only order from Lush UK but I didn’t
My beautiful new addition
Totally random, buuut HEY YOU #LUSH LOVERS I have some spare bottles of #avowash want to take one of
Tumblr | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | My Store Pottermon: Remus LupinHe&rs
Pottermon: Gellert Grindelwald He has:Mega Charizard X because of the blue fire he uses in the Lestr
Pottermon: Jacob Kowalski He has:SlurpuffAppletun and Alcremie Because of his passion for baking!
Pottermon: James Potter We’ve had Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot… and here’