Macintyrerath Gallery
knife kirby
star rod
maxim tomato
midwest 2016
macintyrerath:Ultimate week of Digijuly!
macintyrerath:Salty Seahorses
macintyrerath:No. 006 Charizard
macintyrerath:The Earthworms
macintyrerath:No. 065.5 Mega Alakazam
macintyrerath:Skullduggery Sisters
macintyrerath: I’m making more stickers!
macintyrerath:Rowlet’s final stage Dumbledowl
macintyrerath:No. 006.66 Mega Charizard Y
macintyrerath:Lords Helix
Chonchies!go to to unlock the whole image!
macintyrerath: I wanted to try my hand at making some stickers, so what better to draw than the Amp
No. 069 Bellsprout Check out my patreon!
macintyrerath: No. 021 Spearow
macintyrerath: No. 036 Vulpix
macintyrerath: No. 048 Venonat
macintyrerath: No. 051 Dugtrio
macintyrerath: No. ??? Politoed
macintyrerath: No. 006.66 Mega Charizard Y
macintyrerath: No. 004 Charmander
macintyrerath:New Pokédex entry added!no.025 Pikachu
macintyrerath: Ultimate week of Digijuly!