Magswoods Gallery
c rose
crochet neon
curley burne
heat energy
magswoods: #can you hear my heart breaking
magswoods:A Lucas gifset per episode: 7x01 These Russian prisons, they’re like holiday cam
magswoods: magnus bane in every episode (2b): awake, arise, or be forever fallen
magswoods: “You asked me how I, being immortal, survive somany deaths. There is no great secret. You
magswoods:make me choose:↳ anonymous asked: thorin or bilbo?
alexander-izzy:[gif request meme]↳ isabelle lightwood + hair porn (requested by @magswoods)[want to
magswoods: alec lightwood + standing up for his boyfriend (ง’̀-‘́)ง
magswoods: @matthewdaddario: Okay quick question. What does it mean when someone says they are your
magswoods:Aussie Bromance being cute.
magswoods:‘‘Do you consider yourself the hero of your own story?’’
magswoods: Richard doing the eyebrow thing (✿◠‿◠)
magswoods: (✿ ♥‿♥)
magswoods: ‘‘Don’t listen to anything that I just told you. Don’t.’‘.
magswoods: 1.12 | 2.10
simonmagnus: MAKE ME CHOOSEshadowhunters or downworlders (asked by @bane-magnus and @magswoods) &ld
when bae plays with your hair vs when you try to play with bae’s
the high warlock of brooklyn fending off the ruthless head of the NY institute