Makingtherenaissancemanuscript Penn Gallery
yoshitoshi waku
adrian shepahrd
Cicero; Orationes (Orations)Venice, printed not after 1471Illuminator: Giovanni VendraminThe Rosenba
Leaf from Petrarch, Africa, Book IXLombardy, ca. 1400 The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E M 48
Noels (Christmas carols) Western France (Nantes?), ca. 1520–30 The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lew
Missal for the Use of RomeSouthern Netherlands, possibly Hainault, ca. 1530–50The Free Library of Ph
Lothar of Segni (Innocent III)De miseria humane conditionis (On the Misery of the Human Condition),
Illuminated initial showing a Priest Celebrating Mass; border cartouche with deer; border roundel wi
Hebrew translations of Avicenna, Sefer ha-kanon (Canon of Medicine) by Nathan ben Eliezer ha- Me’ati
L’Arte de la medicina de le bestie (anonymous Tuscan translation of Publius Vegetius Renatus, Mulome
Pierpaolo Muscharello Algorismus (On Algebra) Nola, 1478; scribe: Pierpaolo Muscharello (colophon,
Settings for the Offices, and other liturgical texts Italy (perhaps Padua?), second half of the 15t
This is a collection of papal decrees and bulls concerning the Augustinian order. The compilation be
Book of Hours, Use of Rome Florence, ca. 1420–40 The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 11
Illuminated initial showing a Priest Celebrating Mass; possibly from the Missal of Lucrezia de&rsquo
Album of Engravings and Devotional Texts by Erasmus, Marco Girolamo Vida, and Prudentius Flanders,
Portolan Charts of the Atlantic Coast of Europe, the Western Mediterranean, and the Eastern Mediterr
Denis Faucher, manuscript additions to Hendrik Herp Speculum perfectionis (Mirror of Perfection) V
Lothar of Segni (Innocent III) De miseria humane conditionis (On the Misery of the Human Condition),
Pierpaolo Muscharello Algorismus (On Algebra) Nola, 1478; scribe: Pierpaolo Muscharello (colophon, f
Cicero; Orationes (Orations) Venice, printed not after 1471 Illuminator: Giovanni Vendramin The Rose
Historical Miscellany including Paul the Deacon, Historia romana (Roman History) Italy (Lombardy or