Margaret Comics Gallery
Kieta Hatsukoi Vol.5
Great news! If you are a geek girl (or even if you’re not) and would like to read comics and s
While also working for this term’s project besides the Wars of the Roses, I thought it wou
Isabel Neville seems to me one of the most interesting but vague personalities involved in the War o
I was going to do something completely different, but then this idea came to me. My brain whispered,
Richard the Duke of York is one of the figures I simply adore in the War of the Roses! And I especia
Cecily Neville gave me a big headache when I tried to imagine her better. In my naivete, I thought I
Ima, Koi wo Shiteimasu. Vol.7
Uchino Otouto Domo ga Sumimasen Vol.7
FULL OF MERRY QUIPS by tonto–kidd on Flickr.