Marthagraham Gallery
matt hurst
food snob
thanks morgana
Denishawn dancers, among them the modern dance pioneers Louise Brooks and Martha Graham, 1920. #vict Abdiel Cedric Jacobsen from the Martha Graham Company
PeiJu Chien-Pott, Principal dancer with Martha Graham Dance Company photo by NYC Dance Project, www.
PeiJu Chien-Pott, Principal dancer with the Martha Graham Dance Company. Wearing Norma Kamali. @peij
@abdielcedric with the @marthagrahamdance company. Performing at city center on March 19-22
Lloyd Mayor and Lorenzo Pagano from the @marthagrahamdance. Performing “Echo” by
Our 13 year old daughter being partnered by Abdiel Cedric Jacobsen from the Martha Graham Dance Comp
Lloyd Mayor of the Martha Graham Dance Company. For more photos see ph
Our daughter, Sarah’s painting of Martha Graham’s “Lamantations&rd