Marvel 1974 Gallery
boya sun
Parody of Westworld featured on the cover of Crazy Magazine #5, July 1974.Cover art: Frank Kelly Fre
tokillabarton-deactivated201501: b. August 4th, 1974.
Incredible Hulk #181 cover recreation by Art Adams, which is now available from Ultimate Comics as a
Marvel house ad for Giant-Size Spider-Man #2 featuring Spider-Man and Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu (1
“The Undying Fiend” The Frankenstein Monster #13 - November, 1974
Cover of the Day:Jungle Action #10 (July, 1974)Art by Gil Kane & Frank Giacoia
Cover of the Day:Conan the Barbarian 339 (June, 1974)Art by Gil Kane & Ernie Chan
Cover of the Day:Fear #22 (June, 1974)Art by Ron Wilson, Frank Giacoia, & Danny Crespi
Cover of the Day:Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 (July, 1974)Art by John Romita
Spider-Man Jiffy Job Tool Box - Larami (c.1974)