Mathblr Gallery
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05/06/2018My May bullet journal set up, aesthetics from Amanda RachLee! It includes some random math
The Intermediate Value Theorem guarantees that for every real number “y” between
LIMITS & CONTINUITYWhen learning calculus, a common first step is learning how to describe t
Given a function f(x) which is continuous on an interval [a,b] & differentiable on its inter
In 1981 Ruth Lawrence from Brighton became the youngest person to pass the exam for Oxford Universit
14/03/2018 Doing some multivariable calculus to prepare for Friday’s test. I basically skipped
· December · 2020 ·My math notes always look so messy, haha… I envy
Different study seshs, different desk layout
04/05/2018 Revising in the sun ☀️
Throwback to studying with le boyfriend
29/04/2018 Studying with le boyfriend
30/03/2018 Some catching up on lectures about first order ODEs in the Maths common room! This term I
29/03/2018 Lectures note on kinematics! That wood bottle in the background is from the brand S&rsquo
28/03/2018 An old picture from back home when I was catching up on Mathematical Methods during the C
27/03/2018 Revision notes on sequences! I’m doing much better than the last break in terms of
27/03/2018 An old revision sheet on functions! It is already the second half of the first week of th
16/03/2018 Studyblr gets real: Aesthetics™️ don’t matter anymore when the test is in 10
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05/06/2018 My May bullet journal set up, aesthetics from Amanda RachLee! It includes some random mat
16/05/2018 Cramming ODEs and multivariable calculus!
In 1981 Ruth Lawrence from Brighton became the youngest person to pass the exam for Oxford Universit
I created a full bullet journal for GoodNotes (or whatever note app you use). In GoodNotes, the hype
gay-irl: Use their logic against them Sorry, I only have qbits. My gender can be described by a poin