Maturità Gallery
dimytri lebedyev
vichy france
Oh, my empty classroom… sigh …been there for a year striving and now I’ll miss all this
Maturita by Martin Vybiral, 1982
Hai imparato che la fatica è parte della bellezza, e quando uscirai per l’ultima volta
Spring VIGlance of May
Oh, my empty classroom… sigh …been there for a year striving and now I’ll mi
The Truth #thetruth #seggiolone #cadere #rimanere #maturita #trentennicomeneonati #verita #crescere
Corriere della Sera, 18 Giugno 2015
I’ve been studying Greek literature for like ten hours today. Result: Menander, Callimach
By now all tumblr will have known of my thesis about Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quijote&
Living in the library for my finals… HELP
An illustration I made for a short story Morituri te maturitas.You can read the short story here (i