Mavplayslotro Gallery
old-time country
virginia dale
louise suggs
penetration band
Found Gollum’s cave at last!
WOW Forochel is so cool (pun intended)
I can’t remember where this is from. Probably Evendim
The Misty Mountains are really pretty! Aside from the photobombing snow beast :(
don’t yall think you ought to be guarding something?
another all time favorite screenshot
I love the colossus! It’s difficult to get a good shot of it
listen. I know the witch king and angmar are evil and all that. But they built a sick gate
I love the summer instance! So pretty
Yule festival throwbacks with @loremastering and @dunadaan featuring: some unfortunate soul who seem
A sunset AND fireworks in the Shire
More shenanigans with @loremastering and @dunadaan this time with: various rooftop views, Corner of
Yule festival throwbacks with @loremastering and @dunadaan featuring: some unfortunate soul who seem
Evendim sunrise!!!
I love lotro Legolas so much. He’s adorable
More shenanigans with @loremastering and @dunadaan this time with: various rooftop views, Corner of
Laure’s Prancing Pony bill is massive because he keeps putting his feet through the wall
nighttime colossus
Arwen’s dinner dress with navy dye is
another family portrait with @loremastering and @dunadaan :)
loremastering: we party on TOP of the prancing ponywith @mavariel and @dunadaan
tonight’s playing with @dunadaan and @loremastering included: Laurë is a doormat and a pi
A sunset AND fireworks in the Shire