Medieval Bible Gallery
blaine cook
Illuminations from a 15th century Bible made in the workshop Ludwig Henfflin, 1477
damienkempf:A medieval comicThis a page from the Bible of Stephen Harding, a manuscript produced in
Illustrations from the Alba Bible, an illuminated manuscript translation of the Old Testament made f
Illustrations from The Bible of St Louis, also called the Rich Bible of Toledo or simply the Toledo
Illuminations from the 14th century Bible of Naples, c. 1340, some or all illustrations by Cristofo
self-circumcision of AbrahamHours of Louis de Laval, France ca. 1480BnF, Latin 920, fol. 56v
What a tall drink of puzzle initial P! Digging that English teal.Manuscript description and digital
crowd of the damnedPamplona Bible, Navarre 1197Amiens, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 108, fol. 254r
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Néerlandais 3, detail of f. 7r.Rev 6:4 And there went out another
1man1poleBible, France 1200-1210Avranches, BM, ms. 2, fol.127v
DRUNKEN NOAH, ELISHA & SADO-PEDOBEARGenesis 9,21-23 & 2Kings 2,23-25Biblia pauperum, Bavaria
Illuminated pages from the Bible of Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia, 1389
What happens when the unstoppable force of an arrow launched by a monkey from a fish-bow meets the i
crowd of the damnedPamplona Bible, Navarre 1197Amiens, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 108, fol. 254r
Miniature of Gideon and his men from a book of Bible history, 15th century. •Follow for more: Instag
Ram playing bagpipes: always a solemn and noble sight.Manuscript description and digital images can
Whore of BabylonBeatus of Liébana, Commentaria in Apocalypsin (the ‘Beatus of Saint-Sever’), Saint-S
Animals leave Noah’s Ark after the flood, from the Bedford Hours. The Bedford Hours was written in t
erikkwakkel:Bible puzzle from the 5th centuryThis medieval book is quite something. Let me explain.
false prophets (Revelation 16:13)‘Queen Mary Apocalypse’, England c. 1300-1325BL, Royal
Eve and the SerpentGiovanni Boccaccio, Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, Paris c. 1413-1415LA, Th
medieval facepalm(drunken Noah, Ham, Shem and Japheth, Genesis 9:20-24)Biblia Pauperum, Netherlands
bears eating childrendon’t mock bald prophets, kids2 Kings 2:23-24 ‘And he [Elisha] went
here Jesus, have this rocks(Matthew 4:3-4)breviary, Rouen before 1498Besançon, bibliothèque municip