Merlinedit Gallery
flamestorm aggressors
Merlin vs Ao3 tags Part 11/??
Good Omens X Merlin
Lancelot: Nomad edition & Knight edition!
Gwencelot: Guinevere | Lancelot
Another Merlin chibi of many to come! Here’s Prince Arthur, with his fab trench coat! King Arthur wi
certified bisexual icon
19/∞ favourite Merlin lines
junemo10:thatgaywizardoverthere:If you didn’t laugh so hard you cried over Merlin’s “I’m in love wit
Janet Montgomery as Princess Mithian | Merlin 4.11
Sir Elyan
Guinevere Pendragon + hair appreciation
xrosheen:MERLIN (2008 - 2012)Morgana Pendragon ▶ Season 3, Episode 06: “The Changeling”
Gaius: Are you taking the sleeping draughts I prepared for you? I’ll get Gwen to give you some
Mordred: Adult edition (season 5)! Child edition coming soon!
His crown lid up the way as we moved slowlyPass the wondering eyes of the ones that were left behind