Mfa Budapest Gallery
lindsey kustusch
The Mourning Mary Magdalene, Colijn de Coter, ca. 1500-04
The Wrestlers, Gustave Courbet, 1853
The Pentecost, Bohemian Master, 1413-15
Saints Paul and Barnabas in Lystra, attr. to Master of Paulus and Barnabas and the circle of Jan San
Saint John the Evangelist Weeping, Colijn de Coter, ca. 1500-1504
The Annunciation, Paolo Domenico Finoglia, 1630s
The Holy Trinity, Antonio de Pereda (1611-1678)
Portrait of Doge Agostino Barbarigo, Marco Basaiti, 1518
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria with Saints Dorothy, Margaret, and Barbara, Luc
Diana and Actaeon, Giuseppe Cesari, 1602-03
The Dormition of the Virgin, Hans Holbein the Elder, 1491-92
Portrait of Captain Gideon de Wildt, Bartholomeus van der Helst, 1657
The Water Carrier, Francisco Goya, between 1808 and 1812
The Death of St. Anthony the Hermit, Antoni Viladomat, 1st half of 18th century