Michael Kelso Gallery
Re-watching That 70’s Show is really eye-opening to how different life was for white people (m
welcometoyouredoom:High Elf
Not TGD related, but I’m also making a Jackie/Hyde edit, and thought I’d share,
Steven Hyde in Every Episode → 1.24 - Hyde Moves In
Bonus: He being the reason why i find every guy ugly Steven Hyde in Every Episode → 1.20 - A Ne
Steven Hyde in Every Episode → 1.17 - The Pill
Steven’s eyes Steven Hyde in Every Episode → 1.14 - Stolen Car
That 70s show + instagrams
Not TGD related, but I’m also making a Jackie/Hyde edit, and thought I’d share,
Re-watching That 70’s Show is really eye-opening to how different life was for white peopl
Did Frozen steal this scene or was That 70’s Show just telling the future?
Buddy Morgan becoming a recurring character, or Kelso’s sister becoming a recurring character?
I call this one, ‘That 70′s Show’ can’t make up their mind….
~Classic Comics Sunday~—Those ’70s Comics: 759 Episode 509.5 - “A Jackie Burkhart
T7S Collectors’ Stamp #102— Smoke Brushes Adobe7.0+ by shadowheart69