Michelle Cheung Gallery
school swimsuit
ella dawson
tina cohen-chang
Don’t you know how it feels to miss someone and yet not to be able to see them?
Don’t worry. With the four of us together, we can do anything.
We’re pleased to announce A Summer’s End - Hong Kong 1986 Original Soundtrack will be av
Moon beneath the sea
Today marks 1 year since A Summer’s End was released. We are so appreciative for everyone&rsqu
Spring DayFebruary 16 is Michelle’s birthday. Happy birthday Michelle!
花樣年華 Golden YearsHappy Lunar New Year!
“My only wish..”We wish everyone a happy holidays season. Sincerely from Oracle and Bone
Take me back
Hello everyone. We were blown away by these amazing pictures from Nikki and Victoria who so wonderfu
When your heart’s on fireYou must realize, smoke gets in your eyes A Summer’s E
“End of Summer”To celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, we have a wallpaper version of this art
如夢如幻月,若即若離花 ☾
gugumbathraw:The Heroic Trio | 東方三俠 (1993) dir. Johnnie To
Illustrations for A Summer’s End - Hong Kong 1986 #3 @oracleandbone2 year anniversary A S
oracleandbone: Spring DayFebruary 16 is Michelle’s birthday. Happy birthday Michelle!