Mindatorg Gallery
Diaper wand
Ruby in the rough.
Black and magnetic, Magnetite
Candymix! Grossular, Diopside and Feldspar.
Chalcedony Quartz.
Another brilliant picture of Fluorite.
Ruby in the rough.
More exciting shapes of Calcite.
So clear, so blue so Aquamarine.
Pink and gorgeous, Rhodonite.
Only Quartz can be this cool :)
Green Pyromorphite.
Lovely pic of blue Pentagonite
Sweet green, Calcite and Prehnite.
Zanazziite and Brazilianite.
We can never have enough Fluorites, right? ;)
The magic that is Tourmaline.
Pink and gorgeous Tourmaline.
Love these colors! Azurite & Aurichalcite.
The most unique specimen of Azurite I’ve ever seen. Pretty!
Yum yuum! Azurite!
Never seen Albite this pink!
Only Fluorite can be this satisfying.
Powellite with Scolecite.
Manganite with Rhodochrosite (which I know is a big favorite :P)