Mineral County Gallery
angel dark
Elbaite - Himalaya Mine, Mesa Grande District, San Diego County, California
Agatized Coral - Withlacoochee River, Lowndes County, Georgia, USA
Aragonite with Cuprian Melanterite inclusions - Recsk, Deep Level, Heves County, Hungary
S’soccorro’s Place Burger Hut, Mina, Nevada, 2020.Appeared to be the only going concern in the hamle
Getchellite & Orpiment - Getchell Mine, Humboldt County, Nevada
Peridot - San Carlos Reservation, Gila County, Arizona
Clarks Liquor, Hawthorne, Nevada, 2020.
Faceted Herkimer Diamond Quartz, Herkimer County, NYClick Here to See More CrystalsClick Here to Sho
bijoux-et-mineraux:Wavellite - Laharran Quarry, Minane Bridge, County Cork, Ireland
Polished Chrysocolla Slab - Bagdad Copper Mine, Yavapai County,Arizona
Hard Rock Market, Mina, Nevada, 2020.
Exquisite Crystalline Native Gold on QuartzLocality: Eagle’s Nest Mine, Placer County, Califor
Native Gold with QuartzLocality: Tombstone District, Tombstone Hills, Cochise County, Arizona. Size:
Andradite - Dognecea, Ocna De Fier, Banat Mountains, Caras-Severin County, Romania
Andradite - Stanley Butte, Graham County, Arizona
arockmaniac:Chalcedony from Hidalgo County, New Mexico under short wave ultraviolet and white light.
Herkimer Diamond and Dolomite on matrix - St. Johnsville, Montgomery County, New York, USA
Eubank, John Lewis, 1820-1888. Ladie’s bath, Warm Springs, Bath County, Virginia. Warm Springs