Minimal Music Gallery
rabbit story
gender debate
Ready to go
As the robot indicates, here’s a mix I made back in 2012 that’s probably new to you (oh dear blog re
Cover & Design for Soulnek latest LP album “τροφή για την ψυχή”SIMEK 2019 ©
Jürgen Spohn, Poster for Nights of Living Music & Minimal Art, 1969. Berlin. via plakatkontor.
Oil of Every Pearl’s Un-Insides
Synthwave, music, minimal, walkman, 1080x1920 wallpaper @wallpapersmug : - ht
when the girls, when the girls talk boys…
A new mix to ring out the passing year. It took me about a month to put this together. I like it. Lo
Our Friday Noise #006!First of all, I need to apologize all of you. I am terribly sorry that I didn&
when the girls, when the girls talk boys…
Digital cover — Eternia Music #28 > Bandcamp — 2018
seventeen / laurence o’keefe & kevin murphyrequested by anonymous
Music is a walk, it’s a journey, it’s life. It’s food for my inspirati
Music is a walk, it’s a journey, it’s life. It’s food for my inspirati
Music Poster TributeJohn Talabot - Oro y SangreFin (LP) ©2012Design by
CALI - PRIMODAN Art direction, cover artwork and vinyl packaging design for PrimoDan, Indie music ar
CALI - PRIMODAN Art direction, cover artwork and vinyl packaging design for PrimoDan, Indie music ar
CALI - PRIMODANArt direction, cover artwork and vinyl packaging design for PrimoDan, Indie music art
Music Festival Poster | Птушки. Фестиваль электро-фолк музыки / (CR)
Sogar – Basal.12k : 2001.
Beautumn – White Coffee.2005 : Infraction.
Fekete Zaj (Black Noise)Music festival identity and some other things
Fekete Zaj (Black Noise)Music festival identity and some other things
Fekete Zaj (Black Noise)Music festival identity and some other things