Mogai Terms Gallery
priest band
pig out
piggy feast
jeweltonesic: a gender related to jewel tonesday 15 of @noxwithoutstars coining event, ’ro
discordianigender: a gender related to discordianismfor anon! the top two stripes are hex codes #232
loniceraumic: a gender related to honeysuckle and traumafor anon! the top and bottom stripes represe
cupcakeun: a subset of cakegender that is a single small gender. this term is similar to cupcakegend
deemogamic: a gender related/connected to the game ‘deemo’for anon! colors are take
original | stripedretroshakic: a gender related to retro aesthetics, 80score, milkshakes, glass milk
horrosmilovfearic: a gender related to loving cosmic horror, but being scared of it at the same time
batterkinic: a gender related to being batter (’off’) kin; a batter (’off’)
chocshakedric: original | stripedchoclasshakaesic | chocshaketasticchocshakedric: a gender related t
isokeno(choric): being kenochoric in an isogender way (that is, in a way that is neither cis nor tra
BASIRIGENDER (REAL WORLD VER.) A gender related to or has a connection to Basil’s depiction in
mogai-monarchs:Some quick additions to the Aami system, while I try to figure out the other terms.Aa