Mscodex724 Gallery
What happens when the unstoppable force of an arrow launched by a monkey from a fish-bow meets the i
Ram playing bagpipes: always a solemn and noble sight.Manuscript description and digital images can
Winged donkey.Manuscript description and digital images can be found here at OPenn. Fol. 272v, Ms. C
This young camel finds itself a long way from home.Manuscript description and digital images can be
Rabbits are great, but we can’t have them getting all the attention. The dogs of Ms. Codex 724, 13C
Dog shooting rooster. (Rooster feeling an unaccountable premonition of doom.)Manuscript description
The dog is me, the dog is you.Manuscript description and digital images can be found here at OPenn.F
A cat looks at a dangling descender on fol. 18v of Ms. Codex 724 as only a cat can. Check out this p