Msu Spartans Gallery
osuquidditch:OSU v. MSU, Phoenix Cup 2014Photo credit: Jessica (Jiamin) Lang, Evelyn Troutman (last
We were very excited to have two teams competing in this year’s Midwest Regional Championship!
After a full weekend of tryouts, the preliminary roster for Michigan State’s A-team has been d
Our Spartans have been busy conquering the world! Sophomore beater Lauren Kelley just got back from
Meet our new tribune, Jake Hall! Next year will be this Pre-Nursing major’s second year wi
osuquidditch: OSU v. MSU, Phoenix Cup 2014 Photo credit: Jessica (Jiamin) Lang, Evelyn Troutman (la
Congratulations to all of our seniors who are graduating this weekend!!! You have all helped shape o
Meet our returning coach, Ian Hoopingarner! Ian is majoring in Comparative Cultures and Politics wit
After a full weekend of tryouts, the preliminary roster for Michigan State’s A-team has be
The Midwest Fantasy tournament was an absolute blast! These eight Spartans had a fun couple of days
Several of our players have kicked off the summer by traveling down to Maryland for a quidditch tour
Many of our Spartans are using the summer break to take advantage of some awesome opportunities! &nb
We were very excited to have two teams competing in this year’s Midwest Regional Champions
The 2014 Midwest Fantasy tournament is this weekend and–as is tradition–there wi
Athlete: Whitney TremainSchool: Michigan State UniversityTeam: MSU SpartansSport: VolleyballCompetit
Took several of our newbies to Michigan’s unofficial mini-tournament this past weekend to