Musei Vaticani Gallery
snow tree
The Vision of Saint Helena, by Paolo Veronese, Pinacoteca Vaticana, Musei Vaticani, Vatican City.
chi-va-piano-arriva-dopo:Cappella Sistina, Città del Vaticano. Roma
Bassorilievo di una nave da guerra con guerrieri, remi e un coccodrillo, Musei Vaticani (Bas triremi
Statue of a discobolus throwing the discus2nd cent. A.D.Musei Vaticani, Museo Pio-Clementino (Room o
bhollen8:Mars of Todi, Musei Vaticani
fabforgottennobility:STUPORE ET EXTASI #amazingplaces #cappellasistina #sistinechapel #ig_italy #ig_
Roma - Musei Vaticani 2 by Pietrach
fabforgottennobility:GALLERIA delle CARTE GEOGRAFICHE #vaticano #museivaticani #galleriadellecartege
fabforgottennobility:Musei Vaticani Circular by gorlotas
Testa di donna guerriera (con ombre), Musei Vaticani, 2019. Anyone who has enjoyed the privilege of
s-h-e-e-r:Purtroppo si deve uscire… by fabforgottennobility
Laocoonte by Varrans
Sarcophagus with a scene of Amazonomachy, 3rd century AD, Octagonal Court, Pius-Clementine Museum, V
Laooconte by Varrans
myglyptothek:Julia Titi. 80s AD. Marble. Musei Vaticani. Inv. 2249myglyptothek: Faces of ancient Rom
fabforgottennobility:LAOCOONTE #bnw #bnw_worldwide #bnwphotography #instabnw #igersbnw #amateurs_bnw
Scala Simonetti - Musei Vaticani XIV 2011 by Massimo Listri
Galleria dei Busti, Museo Pio-Clementino, Vatican City da Max
Statue of a young girl, the so-called “Atalanta,” attributed to the sculptor Pasiteles, a Greek (per
inkxlenses:Vatican Museum | © LeronMasoN
pineappleday:Vatican Museums
mrt-zephyr:Antinoo dionisiaco - Musei Vaticani, Roma
eccellenze-italiane:Musei Vaticani, RomaDiscobolus by AndreasC on Flickr.