Mysca Gallery
mefieval blog
granulated kleenex
except trump
So this happened today. Let it never be said that the Shire of Seareach doesn’t know how to ha
We made a trip to a fellow Shire to help them in a demo at a festival. Hi-jinks ensued, and the driv
Hey! Let’s go hit people with sticks, y'all!I almost backed out, but we have new people coming so we
scanerd:Beautiful leather masks entered into one of the Atlantia Twelfth Night A&S Competitions.
Daisy won a virtual SCA competition a few months back, and received her prize in the mail today. I a
This inkle loom will do thirty feet of trim. Yes. Thirty. It has to be clamped to the table to be us
Atlantia Fall Crown 2017
Photos by Demian WolfeMy face in that last one, though….
FINALLY got time to design our business cards. We’re giving them to our members to hand out as they
Drove two hours to fight with some people and two of my Brothers joined me just because I asked. I l
Men perspire, women glow, fighters sweat.
So… Pattern making is going well.
We had an archery tournament tonight, and I won first place! I’m officially the Shire Reeve for the
Someone screencapped one of my tumblr posts to share to Facebook and now my friends are very excited
Too hot and tired (stupid anemia) for armor for me, so I got my first lesson in spear. I really kind
scanerd:Breaking in some newbies at Practice tonight.
Get you some friends who know that you need hand-dyed lightish red linen in your life. And never let
LOOK HOW STINKING CUTE THIS IS. Quarter for scale, because it’s so little and cute and I love it.
Me> You might want to rethink your advertisement that says archery tag leaves no bruises or welts
Okay, post demo selfie, lean in guys! No, lean in. Leeeeaan in. L-E-A…. You know what? This is fine.