Myungsoo Krystal Gallery
kagayama hakuho
taiyo magazine
『L + KRYSTAL』myung!stalsaved? reblog or like
Wonderwall (adj,) won-der-wallSomeone you find yourself thinking about all the time, the person you
“amor verus numquam moritur"he whispers to a girl who stands really close to him. Before
Wonderwall (adj,) won-der-wall Someone you find yourself thinking about all the time, the perso
Keep your eyes locked on mine,And let the music be your guide.
“amor verus numquam moritur"he whispers to a girl who stands really close to him.
i think i’ll be with you forever.
Myungsoo and Krystal promotional pics for drama “My Lovely Girl”
I only sing for someone i love the most
shy-cookie: Myungsoo&KrystalAu Meme“Photography” “Walking thro