Netflix Damage Gallery
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charliemurphyactress #paris #onlocation #damage @richardcarmitage @rishshah @gaumont_ @netflixuk @ne
richardcarmitage En route pour Marseille pour les derniers jours de tournage. #Damage
New selfie of Richard during the filming of Damage.
New photo of Richard with Charlie Murphy in Marseille, France. (May 20, 2022)
Richard officially wrap up Damage.
New selfie of Richard in Marseille, France. (May 17, 2022)
New photo of Richard during a dinner in Paris, France. (May 15, 2022): lisambd
Filming of Damage in Paris, France. (May 15, 2022): charliemurphyactress
New photo of Richard with Charlie Murphy and Rish Shah in Paris, France. (May 14, 2022)
Filming of Damage in the UK. The final week will start filming tomorrow in Paris, France.: RCArmitag
richardcarmitage Last night I wrapped on Damage. Thank you to all our cast and crew in and . Charlie