Neuse Gallery
neuse:joala:Spike-headed false-leaf katydid (Aegimia elongata)Animal crossing
oio: Photo by David Neuse
One more. This one’s back from when Squall was still a kitten :D
Cape Farewell at Wharariki Beach, New Zealand (by Engee Giggles).
Anawhata Beach near Auckland, New Zealand
mtbnews:Wairoa Gorge in Neuseeland: Im Bikepark eines Milliardärs
Hobbiton / New Zealand (by Skip Nyegard).
Rob Warner’s Wild Rides – Neuseeland: Mit dem Kanu in die Wildnis
mtbnews: The Pioneer 2017: Traumrennen in Neuseeland
Cycling near Curio Bay, South Island, New Zealand
Gottfried Lindauer, Māori portraits. 1 | Paora Tuhaere, 1895. Huria Matenga Ngarongoa (Julia Martin)
Stirling Falls in Milford Sound, South Island, New Zealand (by ed 37).
Church of the Good Shepherd - New Zealand (by johnlsl)
Cycling near Curio Bay, South Island, New Zealand
“View from the Skyline Restaurant, Queenstown / New Zealand .”
Fox-Gletscher Neuseeland
Clear water at Te Waikoropupū Springs in Golden Bay, New Zealand (by The Lily X).
Der Fox-Gletscher in Neuseeland
Rewa Shipwreck at Moturekareka Island / New Zealand (by msc_nz).
Lonely Tree pt. 2 | New Zealand by jfrusc
New Plymouth dominated by Mount Taranaki / New Zealand (by Alex Cowley).