Non-representational Gallery
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Relational Painting, Tondo # 33Fritz Glarner (American, born Switzerland; 1899–1972)1954 Oil on Maso
Emilio Pettoruti (Argentine, 1892-1971), Sin título [Untitled], 1962. Oil on canvas, 16.5 x 22.2 cm.
Alberto Burri (Italian; 1915–1995)Bianco XV Collage of canvas, burlap, and oil on canvas, 1956 Smith
Ellsworth Kelly (American, 1923-2015), Blue Yellow Red, 1970-73. Screenprint on cardboard. 66 x 64.8
Mechanical Element IFernand Léger (French; 1881–1955)1924 Oil on canvas Smith College Museum of Art,
Karl Benjamin (American, 1925-2012), #7, 1974. Oil on canvas, 101.6 x 101.6 cm.
Joan Mitchell (American, 1925-1992), Blues Away, 1964. Oil on canvas, 50.8 x 43.2 cm.
Ad Reinhardt (American; 1913–1967)Collage Paper collage, 1939 © 2007 Estate of Ad Reinhar
Between 1950 and 1955, DeGrazia created an ongoing series of non-representational abstracts. &ld