Occultic Gallery
澄風桐子(CV:伊藤 静) | 「Occultic;Nine -オカルティック・ナイン-」アニメ公式サイト澄風桐子(CV:伊藤 静)年齢:23歳身長:162cm体重:47kg住所:中野HN:トコトコ職
fangmich: Occultic;Nine character art
Scarabs are engraved stones representing the Scarab beetle (Scarabaeus sacer), which rolls each of i
Satyr Male spirits of profane nature; followers of the nature gods Silvanus, Faunus, Pan, Dionysus/B
Saturnalia The sinister aspect of Saturn; the winter solstice; the death of the old year and birth o
“Occult literature and teachers of the Lesser Mysteries often terrify the audiences with the h
LEAD Energy: ReceptivePlanet: SaturnElement: EarthAssociated Herbs: Rose, Nettle, Rue, CuminPowers:
Jaguar Aztec: The powers of darkness in conflict with the solar eagle. Mexican: The messenger of for
Ashlar Egyptian: The material to be worked upon to achieve perfection through creative activity; the
Seraphim Divine love; divine heat; the fervour of devotion, ‘the fire of charity&rsquo
Obelisk Phallic; male generative power; fertility; regeneration; stabilizing force. It is also an&nb
LEAD Energy: ReceptivePlanet: SaturnElement: EarthAssociated Herbs: Rose, Nettle, Rue, CuminPowers:
Scarabs are engraved stones representing the Scarab beetle (Scarabaeus sacer), which rolls each of i
Night Like darkness, the night signifies the pre-cosmogenic, pre-natal darkness preceding rebirth or
Plants Like trees and flowers, plants symbolize death and resurrection; the life-force; the cycle of
Saturnalia The sinister aspect of Saturn; the winter solstice; the death of the old year and birth o
Lily Purity; peace; resurrection; royalty. Sacred to all Virgin Goddesses, the Mother and Maid, the
Sphinx The mysterious; the enigmatic; power; Ra, god of the rising sun; wisdom; royal dignity; vigil
Satyr Male spirits of profane nature; followers of the nature gods Silvanus, Faunus, Pan, Dionysus/B
Hyssop Purging; purification; an apotropiac. In Christianity, it signifies penitence; humility; its
“Occult literature and teachers of the Lesser Mysteries often terrify the audiences with t
Ashlar Egyptian: The material to be worked upon to achieve perfection through creative activity; the
Jaguar Aztec: The powers of darkness in conflict with the solar eagle. Mexican: The messenger of for